Friday, September 22, 2006

Are you Kidding?

I'm in the ECE lab right now "working" through a reservation for an Engineering class. The professor just spent the last 15 minutes talking about breathing. She even mentioned Reflexology. Reflexology? Are you serious? Reflexology is complete pseudoscience. It's just foot massage and has no effect on health. It's an amazing feat (haha, didn't catch that until I reread the post) of compartmentalization that someone can be a professor in engineering able to do things with her mind that I'll never be able to and then just turn off when it comes to stuff like this. I love it!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I decided I'm going to stop trying as much in Japanese. It's my last semester of it, and I'm ready to be done. I three-quarters assed it for the last three semesters and got an A, so if I half ass it in 202 or even three-eighths ass it, I could potentially get a B. I like those numbers. I also like that it gives me more time so I don't wear myself out as much.

And I'm glad I dropped those 7 units. I'm pretty sure I'd be in a coma right now if I hadn't.

Is it a bad sign that it's only about a month in and I'm already entertaining fantasies of quitting college? What's the point, really? My degree will do me absolutely no good. None. "Creative Writing major? Here! Have a sack of money!" It just feels like I'm wasting time and money to take the three classes in my major that I actually want to take. Why on Earth would I want to go into debt for a degree that will do me no real good? It's depressing, really.

So downer post. Uhhhhh... Okay, so a midget walked into a bar and I stepped over it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Me Wanna Pass Out

This is my second week of getting up at 6 to go to work then class then work at other job. I'm pretty much on the verge of collapse. I'm behind in my reading and I'm missing assignments. I also have 4 stories that I need to read and critique for tomorrow. There's also the 50 pages or so of reading I need to do for Friday and prepare a presentation on 30 of those pages. I would likey pass out now.

Oh and I'm starting to think again that I'm sick. Awesome. Awesome.

So yeah, I'd like to go to sleep right now and not wake up for a week or so. Anyone know how I could arrange that? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller?

And if I do crash, be comforted to know that the people I plan on taking down with me would be random passersby.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Facebook Homepage

I find it really funny that people are complaining about the new Facebook homepage. That on its own I could deal with. People are always unsatisfied. What's funny is the group dedicated to hating the homepage. I bet almost everyone in that group joined because their friends joined it and they knew that because it was posted on the new Facebook homepage.