Friday, February 03, 2006

Latest Poemetry

So this was a fun one to right.

"An Inconsequential Mormon Bar Mitzvah"

Recycled babies caught up under my car
make for slow going
down over to the liquor store.

A forty for me good sir
and another for my daughter
She's turning twelve today
so the occasion must be marked.

Marked all over my bathroom floor
Vomit spewing everywhere
A wife's scream asking why on earth

The couch is lumpy
and smells a bit like retch
The television tells me flatter abs
and tighter toosh in just six weeks

I order one for my sleeping wife
just to cheer her up
I notice she's been chubbing up a bit
She'll appreciate the thought

At work the next day
My boss says my performance has been slipping
Those vodka breaks must not be helping

On the bus home
a godless hobo wet-willied a small child
Oh those godless hobos
Failed yuppies
Fat guppies
Waiting to die

I was sitting outside Japanese waiting for class, and there was a recycling thing across from me and it all floated out from there.

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