Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Continuing Adventures

Our adventures in Bullhead City are coming to an end soon. And what adventures there were! We went to Scooters. You tell me in all seriousness that you’re not jealous. I know you are. Anywhozzle, Scooter’s is for mini golf. It smelled like poo there. I was doing very well, but then started sucking, so Jesse beat me.

There has been cribbage at which I have kicked Jesse’s tail many a time. There has been Gamecube. We pretty much haven’t done anything that we couldn’t have done in Tucson. Oh, that’s not true. We went to Nevada. You can’t do that in Tucson. That was exciting.

That’s really all. We’ll be heading back to Tucson on Friday. Jesse got the hook-up and is going to a NCAA women’s basketball game. It’ll be nice to be back in Tucson. I don’t really want classes to start again, but there’s no helping that.

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