Monday, April 03, 2006

One more

There a new addition to Unit 2. She's a 8 month-old puppy, a German Sheppard mix. Jesse adopted the dog he was looking at while at the Humane Society. Her name was Lady, but we all thought that was a totally lame name for a dog, so she's now called Isabelle. She's a sweet dog. She doesn't really bark either. That's a definite plus with Kia's incessant buffing at anything that comes remotely close to the house. I like her. She's a loving dog and likes to be on beds. She just to the left of me while I'm writing this actually. Jesse's off getting some doggy essentials, so since I had Linguistics to work on, I must attend to the arduous task of keeping Isabelle upstairs. That's all kinds of easy because:

1) All she's doing is sleeping
2) She's displayed behavior that she's territorial of the upstairs portion of the house
3) She has yet to navigate the stairs downwards without help yet.

It's kind of weird, Isabelle is the kind of dog that I'd like to have if I got a dog. She makes me kind of want to get one of my own instead of a cat. Four dogs might be too many in a house of three people next year. They wouldn't be able to all go on a walk at once. I'm a ways away from making a decision on this since I really can't afford to put out the $180 it would cost to get a pet. Maybe once I get a job, I'll put more serious thought into it. Jesse, I blame you and your excellent taste in dogs for making me want a dog of my own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I accept the blame, although, this all started with Emma.