Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Electronic Karma

I think all the bad mojo from taking apart every electronic thing I could get my hands on as a kid is starting to catch up with me.

The logic board on my iBook failed. This is the replacement from when my original logic board crapped out. No laptop. No Mac delectablity for Ryan, just the PCs he can access through work (which is where I'm writing this).

And my iPod is failing too. I have to restart it more than I ought to in order to get it out of a freeze or to get it to actually play music. Why, Stevey? Why must your products forsake me in my time of need? I need the warm loving glow of Apple's warm loving glow to sustain me.

If I'm not a complete slacker, I'll say something about midterms and NaNo later.

And I am a complete slacker, so don't hold out a whole lot of hope.

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