Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Because I'm such a damned good person

I donated blood today. I can't say that it was actually fun, but it went well. Okay, except for the part when the network went down while I was doing the pre-donation screening. And also the part when I momentarily blacked out after the needle was removed. That part did feel pretty cool though. I got lightheaded, and everything went all swooshy. It's interesting to see your realm of vision slowly collapse when you're not actually closing your eyes.

Those needles they use are hefty. That sucker (haha) was the width of a coffee stirrer.

Next time, I'm going to make sure to drink more water. Maybe then I won't pass out. One can only hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you nerd I don't think you told me you almost passed out.. maybe you did...