For maximum amusement for me, this is best done in secret, but it has, unintentionally, become a "thing" about me. To illustrate this, I supply an anecdote: At my sister's wedding in Wisconsin, I was hunted down by her friend and college roommate at the reception, so that I could take a picture with her camera of my shoes (boring, black tux ones since I was in the wedding party) before the night was over. I obliged, but it felt weird being asked to do it. It's a bothersome, little brother thing that I do, and it didn't feel right what with it being requested and all. The fun of pestering is that it is not entirely welcome.
Weddings are a great time for this activity. There is a lot of commotion and/or hubbub, so it is easy to swipe and snap. It is also a time of dress-up, so I'm not wearing my usual Chucks or whatnots. Until just tonight, I thought it was at a wedding that this started. I had given a disposable at my step-sister's marriage and told to take some supplemental shots of the pre-wedding pictures. In the middle of all the pictures of Craig and Olivia, I included (most graciously, I thought) a shot of the front of my thrift store dress pants and solid black All Stars. (I was less fancy then)
Ryan Trivial Pursuit Update:
It actually began prior to that, end-of-junior-year-ish of high school. It is difficult to tell based on the photo. While the orange Converse are indicative of that time, it is tough to say because the date in the file info is not present. I include it here for the record.

The floor is the floor of my then-bestie, Ren's, bedroom.
I will end here my harrowing tale of self-revelation.
PS: Those pants I am wearing are from Hollister. Before you judge me, remember that we've all had questionable preferences in the past. I used to shop at American Eagle and Hollister as well as listen to Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit. We can all grow as people.
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