Tuesday, March 07, 2006

" Yes, I rather like 'Snake.' 'Snake Griffin.'"

I was starting to get stressed out last night about housing next year. Then, today I decided that was silly so I went ahead and got a house with Jesse and Kristi. I mean, stressing searching agonizingly is just such a waste of time. It's much more time efficient to wrap up a housing search in a twenty-four hour period. I don't know why more people don't do it this way. I mean, come on.

Okay, so flippancy aside, I am very relieved to know what I'll be doing next year for housing. We're actually only moving to the Unit 1 to our current Unit 2. That means moving time, hassle, and effort go way down. I am all about that. We're really lucky, as it's hard to find a place to rent that will allow a dog the size of Elphaba. She is a little bigger than the typical 20-25 pound weight limit for pets. And the best part is that we totally snaked it out from under a girl that was vacillating on it. The three of us: 1, Procrastinating girl: 0. Oh yeah.

Spring Break next week! That's exciting. It's not like I'll be going to DISNEYLAND or anything like a sister of mine I could mention. I actually have no idea what I'll be doing for Spring Break. Whatever it is, it should be more exciting than working the whole week at Tyndall garage like I did last year. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is she named Elphaba because of the novel "Wicked"? That's the only place I've ever heard that name before.