Thursday, August 03, 2006

Do you want to go on a Child Molestation Ride? I mean, Magic Carpet Ride?

Have you ever noticed when someone you don’t like and/or truly despise likes something that you do, it makes you want to like it less? There’s no logical reason for it that I can think of. I can only think of one example of this at the moment. It is as follows:

I really like the movie The Boondock Saints. It’s violent, smart, and has a moral ambiguity that I find very interesting. (Even though I do think anyone who kills in the name of religion/god is crack-alack in the head a little bit.) Well, a while ago when the slut-ho-bitch, I mean Mel, was living here, she and her friend were watching said awesome movie downstairs.

Nothing changed about the movie, nothing at all. It’s some kind of weird reaction that I don’t understand. The movie is still great. And I guess the moral of the story is that slut-ho-bitches can like great movies too.


Hello, I’m Bob Barker. Please have your slut-ho-bitches and man-whores spayed or neutered. Do it for the ignorant, drain on society children they should never be allowed to have. Thank you, and goodnight.

PS- Have you also noticed that "molestation" is spelled like "mole station." Someone ought to investigate the connection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't explain the phenomenon, but I too have noticed it.

I think it's that when you like something that a slut-ho-bitch likes, you're slut-ho-bitchy by association. and that just sucks.