Thursday, August 10, 2006

If Parents aren't afraid of you influencing their children, you're doing something wrong

I was using the paper shredder today at work, and I thought of a really great title for a porn movie. Like all great porn movies, this would be a niche production. "What niche?" I hear the droves ask. Well, it's for transgender emo porn. The title is based on a popular 80's song by Cutting Crew. It's going to be called I Just Hermaphro-Died in Your Arms Tonight. Can you picture it? Chicks with dicks writing weepy poetry about the entropy of society and how no one understands their surprise penis, all while taking it right up their ruby starfruit.

I have a vision.


Anonymous said...

I think you have some problems. I also think if you end up becoming an author of porn movies it would be a waste of a four year degree.

Josephus said...

As if a four year degree in Creative Writing will actually get me anywhere anyway