Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Fourth

It occurred to me yesterday to make an ironically gung-ho patriotic blog posting for the occasion. At some point in my writing, I would have slipped in a phrase something akin to "Suck it King George." Or something to that effect. Of course it makes me wonder what the percentage of Americans is that could name the monarch the colonists were so peeved at and for what reasons.

But that's irrelevant. When have Americans ever let facts or historical context have any bearing on them getting drunk and eating too much? Or just getting their holiday on.

I did not do anything so productive as writing a blog post. Instead I spent most of the day watching Angel. Now that's celebrating America. It's certainly a more accurate representation of what we've done with our freedom than setting off fireworks or eating hot dogs and watermelon.

Although I would not have said no to some watermelon.


Anonymous said...

Angel, Ryan? reeeeally?

Josephus said...

Joss Whedon is like a god unto man. Only one word needs to be said, and that word is "Firefly." I'm even moving onto Buffy once I'm done with Angel.

And it's actually a very intelligent show, smartypants.