I got back recently from the bowling night fund raiser for
Persona Undergraduate Literary Magazine (buy one when they come out at the end of the semester). It was fun. Five tickets including my own isn't too bad of an effort on my part, I think. The night was fun. Fluke among flukes, I beat Jesse in our second game with what has been confirmed as my best game. I pulled a very respectable 169. I savored a few moments of bliss from this along with some banter with Katy about the folly and ridiculousness of the music industry (always amusing) and other things (also amusing). And now Brigid and I can plan our romantic interludes without so much secrecy since Jesse gave me the okay to have quick, guilt-free sex with her. He's such a generous fellow, really. I mean, I wouldn't prostitute out my girlfriend unless I was getting money out of it, but I guess I'm just old fashioned in that way. You're a real pal, Jesse.
On a totally unrelated note, I happen to find
this website absolutely hilarious. It's all the typical Christian fallacies brought together in what can be best described as a convention of the nutty and the illogical. (I think religions should have conventions, just so I can make puns about them conning) Anywhozzle, take a look if you have a strong stomach. Such concentrated doses of logical fallacies rock my insides harder than a vat of jalapeñocheesebeefgrease.
One last thing: I think I have the answer to why the Christian church has been so fixated on sex and sexuality for so long. I believe it has something to do with the first seriously organized conception of the Christian faith, the Roman Catholic Church, having their leader dress up to be shaped like a penis.

Seriously, the dude's hat is all phallic-y. I suppose if you're going to be a bunch of total pricks, you ought to dress the part. Let's not forget that Mother Theresa was Catholic, and she was fucking awful.
Random, completely unrelated thought: I've never actually seen what those silver tipped bullets really do to a person, just watermelons. It would be interesting to find out.
Hey, don't be an indian pimp. You can't give me permission to sexually gratify your girlfriend and then just up and take that away from me before I've had the chance. That's seriously uncool, man.
It was more doing it for you, not for her. She doesn't need you to sexually gratify her. ;-)
See, but I can't be satisfied without satisfying. That's just the way I roll, baby.
So, would it make you feel better if we started plotting in secret again, and not let on when we do the bing-bang?
Your secret plotting was very secret.
Your friends seem fun and...open-minded !!! ha.
I heard what you said about the phallic-shape of the Pope's head...or the theory that that's the reason behind the Christian Church's fixation on sex before somewhere...I wish I could remember, it was a very 'insightful' article...............
Also, on a totally unrelated note, here is an optional assignment I thought you might have fun with the next time you are writing at lunch or internet browsing. I've been sending this out to any one I can think of because I found the results quite amusing. I'm sure you've heard of the women targeted magazine that offers sex/relationship/career/life advice known as COSMOPOLITAN...?? Anyway, they posed the question of what sort of reads there would be if men edited the magazine. With your sense of humor and observation skills, I'm sure you could come up with some great ones.
These are my favorites:
"55 Ways to Convince Yourself He's Worth Sleeping With"
"Gilmore Girls Canceled -Then Sentenced to Death!"
"Video Game Confidential: Your Guy's Defeat of the Zombie Horde Deserves Celebratory Sex"
"Why Sharing Him With a Friend Will Save Your Relationship"
"31 Ways to Disrobe Quicker"
"Nail that Promotion (So He Can Quit His Job)!"
Just thought I'd post it here in case you found them funny too or if you ever wanted to think up some titles, just for the hell of it.
I totally agree with the video game one.
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