Sunday, April 01, 2007

People and Things

A big problem that many people have with divine justice is summed up in the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" This moral indictment of God's sense of justice has been repeated so many times that I've gotten completely sick of it.

What we ought to be asking is "Why do good people happen to bad things?" Did any of you whiners ever stop to consider what it's like for the bad thing to have a good person thrust upon it? I bet you didn't, you inconsiderate bastard. That bad thing may have had serious plans for happening to a bad person, and now it's been deprived that. All that preparation, work, self-sacrifice, and dreaming have gone to waste on account of that good person. It's a real shame, but not as big of a shame as the whole lot of you not realizing that.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess you'd be sick of me within minutes because this past year I don't think any question has run through my head more than "why do bad things happen to good people?" Makes me wonder if I HAVE annoyed you before...Would I know if I have, assuming we are semi-friends, or are you more the kind of person that would just silently bite their tongue or roll their eyes???
Did you see my last comment?

Josephus said...

A person can usually tell if I'm annoyed with them if my sarcasm moves from being playful/sardonically amused to the more terse/clenchy jaw type. It's also easier to tell in person because I have a pretty emotive face. It's always moving around even if I'm not responding to anything.

And you haven't annoyed me as far as I know, at least not in your comments. It takes a lot to annoy me anyway. You'd have to be clinically annoying or Mormon or something.

I did see your last comment. I was trying to think something up having to do with blowjobs, but I couldn't get the wording right. Once I give it some more thought, I'll display my male Cosmo article title(s).

Anonymous said...

Hehe you're so awesome ^^

jcornia said...

Example: shooting at a child molester and missing, accidentally hitting the child he molested. (Am I a bad person?)

Anonymous said...

"Kiss Another Girl and He'll Love You Forever"
"How to Never Annoy Him Again"
"Your Boobs are His Boobs"
"Why You're Meant to Cook and He's Meant to Watch Football"
"How to Never Ask 'What Are You Thinking?' Again"
"Guy Confessions: 'Women Who Always Pay Are Sexy'"

(not that great, but not bad...should have been studying)