Monday, April 02, 2007

Now I Can See the Resemblance

I've never seen a Virgin Mary or Jesus sighting in food/oil/building windows/doors/clouds that couldn't be attributed to pareidolia. UNTIL NOW! I really think Jesus is trying to tell us something here. To make a life-size appearance in chocolate like this is incontrovertible evidence that Jesus has something to say to us. (I guess he doesn't realize that we have cell phones now, but who am I to criticize the preferred communication method of the Son of the Lord God Almighty?)

Ooooooooor.... there's a sculptor that has the Christ Camp (mostly the Catholics) all in a huff in the lead-up to Easter with this exhibit. I say they ought to be flattered. I mean, if I was to sculpt their deity out of something brown, it sure wouldn't be out of a material as tasty and pleasantly aromatic as chocolate (if you catch my meaning). Besides, with all the creepy sexual connotations to the Christian worship tradition, I would think they'd be happy to finally get a peak at the holy package.

(Image source)
(Article source)


Anonymous said...

My, how quiet you are and so often.
I hope my mysteriousness does not bug you.
I don't want you getting your hopes up and thinking I am someone...better.
Though I'm foolish to suppose you waste any time thinking about who your anonymous-san is anyway.

Josephus said...

It doesn't bother me. I enjoy the banter and the input on the thoughts that I put out into the intar wubs. I don't have any expectations for you other than your continued comments, which is quite enough for me. I suspect more people than I would think read my blog, but you're the only one that comments other than an infrequent one by my roommate (which he usually tells me in person as well). It's nice to have someone to continue the thoughts with sometimes.

I do wonder who you are, but I'm not burning to know or I would have asked you by now. To me, you are the commenter who probably goes to the U of A. That last part is of secondary importance. I don't expect a whole lot of people I don't know. I reserve that for people I know well, and even then it's still pretty neutral.

So, keep on commenting, and you'll exceed any expectations I have of you, because I figure you'll lose interest eventually.