Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hello Wednesday

My Wednesdays are weird. I have an hour class at 1000 and another hour class at 1400. That gives me four hours of farting about. Of course, my usual plan is to take a nap for those four hours, but my sleeping hours are usually foiled by College Humor or Facebook or shopping for stuff I won't buy. Yes, it is a fantastical life I lead, full of danger and wacky escapades. And each day ends with a cheesy joke and everyone around me laughs. Tune in tomorrow.

I'm starting to stress. Not about finals because that would be silly. I've never stressed over a final. No, I'm starting to stress about evil. Yes, the root of all evil and the path to all happiness. I'm speaking, of course, about money. Turns out that Grand Canyon University told my sister the wrong information about financial aid saying that my step-dad's income did not have to be included. As it happens, yes it does. That means it has to on my financial aid. Amanda already had her grant taken away, so there's a good chance they'll take my grants away too. I like that money. I grew attached to it. It pays my rent. Without those grants and with no chance to take more loan money, I'm stuck with having to spend the money I had put away for a car and get a job to pay for my rent. None of this is for sure yet, but I have a bad feeling about it. I'll be fine; I know that. It's just that I was excited about getting a car, and know that might not happen.

I've made a decision. I've decided to start drawing again. I've said this many times over the last few years, and it hasn't stuck yet. Drawing is something that I know I could eventually do well. I can see potential in my scribblings, but I tend to get frustrated and quit. We'll just have to see how that goes. If I keep up with it long enough, I might even post some drawings. Wouldn't that be exciting.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Slacker, thy name is Ryan

Time really does have a way of sneaking up on a guy. I've had several weeks now to revise my story after it went through workshop. Now I find myself with the revision due Friday, and the only changes that have been done are minor and were only done today. I suppose it would help if I wasn't such a slacker. However, I am a slacker, so the revision remains undone.

My favorite part about this is that this is my biggest problem as a writer. I can output the material, but I should sitting down to write every day. Every single day. But I don't do that. Why? Let us travel back to where I said that I was a slacker. It has something to do with that, well everything to do with that. That's really the reason I started a blog. I thought that if I got into the habit of writing down a few thoughts everyday, it would be easier to sit down to do some actual writing. It makes sense, doesn't it?

So that's my eye. Just thought you ought to know.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Pet Peeve

I figured out one of my pet peeves today, or rather, I was inspired. I was engaging in one of my favorite activities: farting about on the internet while upstairs in my room. Then, floating on up from downstairs were the sounds of one the most annoying things that a person can do. I am referring to the "pet voice." As far as I know, Science has not indicated that raising the pitch of one's voice and making gibberish noises does not form a mental link between a person and a pet to communicate the deep reservoir of feeling that that person has for that particular lower life form. However, there are tests that indicate that it is irritating as all get-out. Said tests were conducted at the International Institute of Ryan Wanting to Flog Somone of IIRWFS (Pronounced: ear-wufs).

I also believe people become too attached to pets. Pets do not live as long as people. There should be no surprise when Scruffles gets doggy cancer and dies. You should, by no means pay thousands of dollars for Scruffles's operation to give him an extra couple of years. How about the single mother that has to make the decision between paying rent and feeding her family? Or how about the people suffering in Africa? Scruffles should take one for the team. On second thought, why don't you say screw those in need of aid and buy yourself a nice, new plasma TV. You're hurting. Your poor puppy-wuppykins is dead. God Bless America.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Day of Shenanigans

I think I did more stuff this last day than I've done in the last two or three weeks... combined. My friends tell me that I isolate myself too much and that I should do more social stuff. I suppose they're right, but it's never been something that I've been very good at. I'd have to say the highlight of it was being able to spend some time with Brigid. I miss that crazy gal. I always had so much fun with her in high school. I'm glad we're starting to reconnect. I guess that goes along with me being more social, but I don't think that really counts a whole lot because I already knew her.

I'm running on barely any sleep for the past three days, no more than 6 and I didn't sleep at all last night. A part of me always thinks that time spent sleeping is time wasted. But then I just end up farting that time away anyway. A pickle, and no doubt.

Jesse said that they could hear Mel and Preston having sex when he was downstairs. I have a single word: ew. Damn, I'm glad I live upstairs. Damn glad.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Obligatory Questioning First Post

So, now that I'm starting a blog, that means I have to make my first post questioning why I'm putting time and effort into a blog. By all accounts, I have absolutely no idea. My life is not interesting. I'm not experienced at dishing out social and political commentary. The beauty of it though is that it doesn't even matter. A very small number of people are going to look at this, so it matters very little. So, I say to the teeming yet vacant masses of the internet: here is my blog. Nothing to see here, move along.