Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I got the clap today!

My sisters got me Gonorrhea for Christmas. How cool is that? I'm going to show it off whenever I get the chance. (You really want to click that link. I mean, really really.)

We had chimichangas for dinner tonight which has to be the best homemade meal ever. Ever. The sisters are leaving later today and then tomorrow morning. I have mixed feelings about going back to the house. I went back to pay rent and pick/drop stuff up/off, but that's all. I do want to finish cleaning and organizing my room though. I left it in the middle.

I've started reading in my spare time more. It's something I should have started doing earlier, but I'm a slacker so yeah.

I ordered Firefly and it should be coming within the next couple days. Best. Gorram. Show. Ever. It makes me want to buy this shirt.

Still no job. JobLink has one new posting and it's for a job I'm not qualified for. Need... job... have no... money... I've already drained a couple hundred from my car buying money.

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