Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years

It's 2006 now. Yessiree, it is. Hooo-eee, I had this roarin' bit of a hootinanny last night. I must have gone through at least eight Pepsis. Man, it was wild. I watched The Chipmunk's Adventure in my room and munched on Cheeto's. May it never be said that I don't know how to have a good time. I set a little resolution for myself. I would reveal it, but I don't want to. It also defeats the purpose of the resolution if I tell people, so you'll just have wonder at what it is.
I'm still jobless, but hopefully money won't be an issue for a while. I'm not going to press the financial aid thing until after the check is deposited in my bank account. That's probably illegal, but I really don't care. I need to pay rent somehow, and I don't want to completely deplete my car fund. I will definitely need next year not know where I'll be living or who I'll be living with. It's about time I got a car anyway. It's crossed my mind to ask the 'rents for help once I get a job, like they did for Bethany. It's worth a try at any rate.
We have a family dinner thing tonight. Most of the people are already here actually. I've taken refuge for a bit in my room. I keep wondering what possessed me to paint it orange. I was very odd in high school. Odd in a different way than I am now, that is.
There's nothing much else to report by way of break stuff other than my anxiousness for school to start up again. I should be back at the house on the 4th or 5th depending on when Bethany's flight is.

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