Friday, December 30, 2005

A Little bit of Nonsense

I believe I may have put this bit of writing to the internet once before, perhaps while I was still using Livejournal. It's just some silliness I wrote one afternoon in the computer lab under the UA library. I'll put it here for your brow raising and head shaking purposes.

Now comes a tale of fascinating strangeness and compeling oddity. A wandering jot through the realm of the surreal, the realm of the psyche. Wandering about through the twisty lanes of nowhereness, I did spy a looking glass. “A looking glass,” I say. “My, I would fancy a peek.”

So I skippity gamboled right on over to that looking glass and took a peeky-week inside. I saw my face there. “My face?” quothe me. “A strange thing indeed to see in a looking glass.” All those of knowledge and goodness know that looking glasses do show you wonderful thing. I felt cheated out of the wimbly-wombly goodness I should have seen. I was about prepared to shuffle off along when I did see something a-strange about my looking glass face. It was opposite. Opposite as the night is from the dusk, the morning from the dawn. When I did raise my right arm-parts, my looking glass face lifted his left arm parts. “Ooo, a goodly display of goodness.”

I sillied myself for a while with my looking glass face. Bored did I become for he only did what I did not. Why do what I do? Bored was I, and now angry. I shimmily-shambled all the way to see my looking glass do what I don’t. When leave I do, he goes away all hops away. He should do as I wishly if he knew what’s goodly good for him.

The piece is unfinished, but as finished as a piece like it could ever be. It's difficult to maintain that sort of narrative, so it's sat unchanged for about a year now. I'm not even sure if I remember what I was writing about, so have fun.

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