Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Schooooool's Out for Win-tah!

So, I just got out of my last class for the Fall semester. Good times. I'm looking forward to the break even though this semester hasn't been very stressful. Actually, none of college has been very stressful for me. That's either because I'm such a cool character or my major switched from Theatre Arts to Creative Writing. I'm thinking it has more to do with the latter.

Tomorrow I have my social event with my Blue Chip group, and no I'm not being amusing by calling it a social event. That's actually what it's called. It's at Blue Willow. I could care less where it's at. I just want to spend some time with the group. I'm really going to miss them even if I won't miss the club.

I've been charged with writing a Christmas story for my writing club. I'm not sure where that's going to go. Depending on how it turns out, I might use it as my post for Christmas. Stay tuned for that uplifting gem.

I would like, if I may, to take a step back to an old post of mine, "Pet Peeve." In it I stated that science had not shown that the annoying, high pitched pet voice had any real effect. Since I was posting in a blog, I didn't bother to actually check. Call it laziness or call it me not giving a rat's ass, but it has come to my attention that there is indeed scientific study that indicated that animals respond better to high pitched voices. This information was submitted to IIRWFS and they released a statement saying they would back the study but will maintain that the pet voice is annoying as hell.

See, we here at Generic Title like to hold ourselves at a higher standard, or at least say we do to give ourselves a nice pat on the back. So, we are prepared to issue a retraction. The original post will remain for posterity, but here, submitted for your perusal, is a revised edition of the offending post:

"I figured out one of my pet peeves today, or rather, I was inspired. I was engaging in one of my favorite activities: farting about on the internet while upstairs in my room. Then, floating on up from downstairs were the sounds of one the most annoying things that a person can do. I am referring to the "pet voice." This is when someone raises their voice to an annoyingly high pitch and begins making all manner of gibberish noises in order to form a kind of mental link between themselves and a pet to communicate the deep reservoir of feeling that that person has for that particular lower life form. To my knowledge, I don't think it does a whole lot of good. However, there are tests that indicate that it is irritating as all get-out. Said tests were conducted at the International Institute of Ryan Wanting to Flog Somone of IIRWFS (Pronounced: ear-wufs)."

There you have it. No mention to science, just good-ole personal opinion. This retraction has been brought to you by the booklight that I ordered in order to get free shipping on my Indiana Jones DVD collection. On behalf of everyone here at Generic Title, I thank you and wish you a very Happy Agnostica.

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