Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I suppose that with the holidays approaching it was pretty inevitable that I do a post about my opinion of holidays. In short: I don't like them. That's not case specific. I don't like any holidays from Birthdays to Christmas. People tend to be annoying on their birthdays. You were born some number of years ago on this day, and.....? The world does not need to stop to celebrate you. You are not important. You barely matter. Take the "Happy Birthday"s directed at you and move on. And Christmas.... Christmas is quite possibly my least favorite. Say all you want about the "Christmas spirit," the truth is that the holiday is dead. The original purpose has been sucked out of it to make room for the crass commercialism that dominates our lives as Americans. Not Christian? Don't celebrate the Christian holiday. It has the word "Christ" in it, for crying out loud. That might be a hint. Non-Jewish people don't celebrate Hanukkah, so don't clog up Christmas. Now, it's not even that I want Christmas to take on its intended meaning again because I'm invested in it. I couldn't give a crap about Christmas. Just stop shoving it in my face. I don't need to be wished a Merry Christmas. And frankly I'm surprised there haven't been people who tried to make the holiday more secular, like removing "Christ" from the name. If it contains religion, it's offensive. Apparently. Wish me a Happy Agnostica if you're going to wish me anything. I'll say one more thing and end this incoherent and badly formulated post: Bah Humbug.

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