Thursday, December 01, 2005

Zen Walking

I discovered something today. I found the New World and claimed it for Spain. No, but really. I discovered that I can think about nothing. I'm not talking about relaxing and not thinking about anything serious. I mean not thinking a single thought to where it's just completely still in my mind. Sure, that's a piece of cake sitting in a quiet room while meditating. I did this while listening to my iPod walking across the Mall, one the highest traffic areas on campus. I was just coasting, not even on auto-pilot. I was putting myself in that state. How weird is that? I still noticed my surroundings, but at an unconscious level. I was being a zen-walky-person, or something. Okay, this was a lame post, but nothing really happened to me today worth mentioning. I also wanted to see how long I could go without missing an update. So, for the two people who read this: sorry. Bryan, Jesse, I'll go to your room later and give you hand-shakes or something. I'm out.

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