Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I love my schedule

I can stay up super late on Sundays and Tuesdays because I don't have to wake up until 11:30. It's beautimous. One hundred percent beautimousness. My classes have been going well. They're all interesting/engaging/challenging, so that's a plus. In particular, I'm excited about my syntax class. What can I say? I love Linguistics. Boy howdy!

I ordered a new printer today because my Lexmark makes me sad.

Going through another phase of wanting to chop off my hair. Boo-urns.

If you want to see a 'feel good' movie with an ending that's not completely predictable, see Last Holiday. If you want to see a real life movie, watch Closer. I love that movie. People give each other the shaft. They're selfish. They're petty. They're small-minded. That's the reality. Movies with smushy ending make me sick. I know it's fiction, but does it should be based in reality. Human nature isn't fuzzy kittens and laughing babies riding sparkly unicorns. Let's get with the program, okay?

Also see Brokeback Mountain. It's the first truly excellent movie I've seen in quite some time.

Give me a job.

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