Monday, April 16, 2007

Persona Happenings

I had a slight let-down tonight. I was not voted into the Junior Editor position that I was running for. It's a bummer, but I secured Assistant Copy Editor. I mostly just wanted to get involved in the workings of the club, so I'm pleased even if I didn't get the job I wanted. That's the peril of running against an officer veteran, I suppose. Besides getting my antisocial bumparts involved in something, I get 3 units of upper-division credit to boot. That means I can decrease my course load during one semester next year. I'll probably drop a class from the Fall semester since there's one English class I didn't want to take in the first place. Hooray for 12 units.

Even though no one else was running for Assistant Copy Editor, I think what really secured my winning it was me saying, "I'm used to being a bitch-boy. I was one at my last job" during my pseudo-speech. I am a bitch-boy. I could be your bitch-boy.


jcornia said...

I want you to be my bitch boy.

Josephus said...

Somehow I knew you were going to make a comment akin to that. Eerily intuitive, aren't I?

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting you post nothing about the VT shooting when so often your posts aren't really about happens to you in your daily life.

Josephus said...

I've been purposely avoiding it actually. The truth is that I don't trust myself to say anything about it because it would most likely be in response to people co-opting the shooting to further their own bullshit agenda. Like this asshat.

I'm too angered by that kind of opportunism to trust myself to devote a whole post to it. But at least we've been enlightened that the consequences an increasingly secular society was behind the shooting. Once you stop killing people for heresy, it all goes down hill. But us evil atheists just don't understand since we don't think life is precious. We don't have a divine morality to tell us that killing people is a no-no. And that's why I have over thirty notches on my belt. Although, to be fair, half of those were terminally ill and going to die anyway.

It's because of assclowns like Ken Ham blaming a tragedy on evolutionary science that I don't trust myself to go beyond that incredibly restrained commentary.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I myself, as a writer, have been avoiding the topic too. I feel I can't say anything. It's a little like what I said before about talking about death, its become a very tricky subject. Do you feel weak as a writer when you can't write about something?
And do you mean its because of a secular society, judging by his name? or...where do you get that from?
P.S. Asshat!

Josephus said...

It does make me feel hamstrung as a writer to not be able to write on a given topic. The very word "tragedy" has lost its meaning really with the way it gets chucked and dragged about in the wake of one. It lacks the remorse and respect that such a signifier ought to have.

In this case, it taps into a whole realm of frustration that I prefer to leave as left alone as possible. It's usually easy for me to not fall into Angry Atheist Mode(TM), but in these cases about morality, my eyes tend to go red.

My comments about Ken Ham are based off his blog post that I linked in the text "Like this asshat." His basic claim is that with God taken out of education, immorality like this spreads. Not done in the name of God, wantonly killing people is wrong I guess. Or in the name of the wrong God.

What a confusing game we play as humans...

jcornia said...

Sounds very similar to the blog post I wrote. I expect to see even more people coming out of the wood work to further their own agendas via this event. Sadness.