Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I'm pretty sure that someone stole the manual stapler in my computer lab. I was sitting at my laptop, and this girl came up to print and then staple what she had printed. I wasn't particularly paying attention to her, but I thought I saw her holding something other than her printout. She walked out. A little while later, I processed what had just happened. The manual stapler was gone. What is that all about? I mean, come on! A stapler? Of course, by the time I realized what had happened, it was too late to do anything. People baffle me.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Teehee worthy

I find it pretty amusing that the spellcheck feature that Blogger uses says that the word "blog" is misspelled.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pretty much the awesomest thing ever

I preordered Vol. 1 of Animaniacs. I'll have it sometime around Thursday of next week. After that, there will be splendor.



I don't know what it is, but the sight of an ice cream cone on the ground looks sad. I don't even like ice cream.

I was walking home from work and saw a Dairy Queen ice cream cone on the ground with it's cold, cremy treat melting away in a trail of white. I may not like the stuff, but it didn't seem like a fitting end for the sweetness.

Okay, that was pretty much an American Beauty post. Nevermind me.