Thursday, January 26, 2006

Window to my Brain

On Wednesday, we did a writing exercise where we wrote while blindfolded and pulled from the subconscious. The first thing that is apparent when blindfolded is the darkness, so that's what I wrote about. This is exactly what I wrote. Errors and incoherence and all of it. I'm not exactly sure where a lot of this came from, so I hope it amuses you.

Darkness is a funny thing It makes you see in a way that you otherwise take for granted. It makes you alone in a room of 60. Just you and the darkness together in silence. Darkness is silence of the eyes. Your eyes can lie to you. Only darkness is truth. You can hide in the darkness, but the truth will always find you. It's the watcher in the night that gaurds all the most secret and precious things. Thoughts, emotions, all of that is safe in the darkness and can't hide from the truth.You can't even lie in the dark because there is no one to lie to. Why lie to yourself. It's a pointless idea. You know the truth. Can't convince yourself that lies are truth People fear the darkness. I say befriend it. It can be a useful ally Alone you have no one. Just the darkness When everyone leaves

Weird, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Ryan. It seems pretty true, and that's what makes it really quirky.