I believe I may have put this bit of writing to the internet once before, perhaps while I was still using Livejournal. It's just some silliness I wrote one afternoon in the computer lab under the UA library. I'll put it here for your brow raising and head shaking purposes.
Now comes a tale of fascinating strangeness and compeling oddity. A wandering jot through the realm of the surreal, the realm of the psyche. Wandering about through the twisty lanes of nowhereness, I did spy a looking glass. “A looking glass,” I say. “My, I would fancy a peek.”
So I skippity gamboled right on over to that looking glass and took a peeky-week inside. I saw my face there. “My face?” quothe me. “A strange thing indeed to see in a looking glass.” All those of knowledge and goodness know that looking glasses do show you wonderful thing. I felt cheated out of the wimbly-wombly goodness I should have seen. I was about prepared to shuffle off along when I did see something a-strange about my looking glass face. It was opposite. Opposite as the night is from the dusk, the morning from the dawn. When I did raise my right arm-parts, my looking glass face lifted his left arm parts. “Ooo, a goodly display of goodness.”
I sillied myself for a while with my looking glass face. Bored did I become for he only did what I did not. Why do what I do? Bored was I, and now angry. I shimmily-shambled all the way to see my looking glass do what I don’t. When leave I do, he goes away all hops away. He should do as I wishly if he knew what’s goodly good for him.
The piece is unfinished, but as finished as a piece like it could ever be. It's difficult to maintain that sort of narrative, so it's sat unchanged for about a year now. I'm not even sure if I remember what I was writing about, so have fun.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
I never really was one for making plans. My mind doesn't work in that sort of way. When I say plans, I mean going out type of plans. I think I might be a bit too laid back to nitpick on what to do and where to do it. I'm usually perfectly alright with sitting around talking and hanging out. However, that quality does come with a pretty hefty disadvantage. It makes it hard for me to come up with plans when I need them, especially in social kinds of situations.
The reason this is on my mind is because New Years is coming up and as it stands, I have no plans. For some unexplainable reason, New Years is the only holiday I feel unsettled about not having plans. I did absolutely nothing on my birthday, and I was fine with it. There's something about New Years that bums me out when I don't have something to do. It might just end up being me and some Pepsi hanging out. Sounds like a hoot to me.
The reason this is on my mind is because New Years is coming up and as it stands, I have no plans. For some unexplainable reason, New Years is the only holiday I feel unsettled about not having plans. I did absolutely nothing on my birthday, and I was fine with it. There's something about New Years that bums me out when I don't have something to do. It might just end up being me and some Pepsi hanging out. Sounds like a hoot to me.
Friday, December 23, 2005
I realized something today. When people say "Happy Holidays," they aren't talking about a multiple number of holidays. No no, my good sirs and madams. They are talking about Christmas. Just Christmas. See, there are two Christmases celebrated concurrently. There's the Rudolf and Frosty Christmas as well as the Jesus and the virgin birth Christmas. They are two separate holidays celebrated on the same day. I could really do without either.
So, I'll wrap this up by saying: A Happy Agnostica to all and to all a logical argument.
So, I'll wrap this up by saying: A Happy Agnostica to all and to all a logical argument.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I was really proud of myself that I was doing a post every day. The main reason I started this blog was so that I would get into the habit of writing every day. Now, almost two weeks from my last post, I think I may have slipped up a teensy bit.
I'm back at the parental's house but still in Tucson, poised ready to bear through another Christmas. Joy and jubilation. The good news is that I found my camera. I'm excited about that. Not that I use it very often, but I like knowing where it is.
I have a haircut appointment tomorrow. Even though I'm right in the middle of one of my frustrated with my long hair phases, I'm only going to get it trimmed and evened out. I know that if I chopped it off, I would regret it.
That's all from me. You crazy kids all have an adequate holiday season. Cheers!
I'm back at the parental's house but still in Tucson, poised ready to bear through another Christmas. Joy and jubilation. The good news is that I found my camera. I'm excited about that. Not that I use it very often, but I like knowing where it is.
I have a haircut appointment tomorrow. Even though I'm right in the middle of one of my frustrated with my long hair phases, I'm only going to get it trimmed and evened out. I know that if I chopped it off, I would regret it.
That's all from me. You crazy kids all have an adequate holiday season. Cheers!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
All of the fun of finals with none of the stress
What did I spend my day doing? The last weekend before finals? I slept in till 1400 and then played video fames all day. That's was all. My day was wholly uneventful. Finals, you can kiss my tuckus because you have no effect on me. Hear that? No effect.
Don't hate me because of my easy major.
Don't hate me because of my easy major.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Nihongo no shiken o shimashita
I'm all done with my Japanese finals, and I have two left to go. One for Linguistics and one for NATS. I plan on putting effort into my Linguistics final as I plan on making it my minor, but not so much for NATS. What I know is what I know for that class. I don't think I'd make an overlarge improvement on what grade I would get if I worked hard and studied. I'm going to get a B in the class, so why strain?
And since it's the end of the semester, I'd like to take a moment to have a throw-back to another end of semester. I recently found this picture, and I thought I would share it.

That's me at graduation. It feels weird to me that night was a year and a half ago. I look dashing in gold, do I not? That's also one of the few existing pictures of me when I had my eyebrow pierced. Since the other picture is me in drag, be grateful you weren't subjected to that one. I've been considering getting my brow redone. I liked it, and everyone else seemed to too. I have no money now, but maybe at a later date.
And since it's the end of the semester, I'd like to take a moment to have a throw-back to another end of semester. I recently found this picture, and I thought I would share it.

That's me at graduation. It feels weird to me that night was a year and a half ago. I look dashing in gold, do I not? That's also one of the few existing pictures of me when I had my eyebrow pierced. Since the other picture is me in drag, be grateful you weren't subjected to that one. I've been considering getting my brow redone. I liked it, and everyone else seemed to too. I have no money now, but maybe at a later date.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
And it all comes screaming back
I worked at Cold Stone for a year, so going there tonight brought a lot of memories back. A lot of them were good, but plenty were bad. It didn't really help that it was Flowing Wells Drama-fest. I always feel icky when thrown into a Flowing Wells type situation. High school was a very weird time for me. I was going through so much introspection, building myself, and questioning what I always held as true. Now that I'm out and have most of that figured out, being reminded of it is a little awkward. It also doesn't help that I'm a totally different person than the one anyone I knew from Flowing Wells would remember. Completely redefining yourself has that effect.
I almost missed the post today. That would have made me sad. I'm keeping up with the daily posts. Rock.
I almost missed the post today. That would have made me sad. I'm keeping up with the daily posts. Rock.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Schooooool's Out for Win-tah!
So, I just got out of my last class for the Fall semester. Good times. I'm looking forward to the break even though this semester hasn't been very stressful. Actually, none of college has been very stressful for me. That's either because I'm such a cool character or my major switched from Theatre Arts to Creative Writing. I'm thinking it has more to do with the latter.
Tomorrow I have my social event with my Blue Chip group, and no I'm not being amusing by calling it a social event. That's actually what it's called. It's at Blue Willow. I could care less where it's at. I just want to spend some time with the group. I'm really going to miss them even if I won't miss the club.
I've been charged with writing a Christmas story for my writing club. I'm not sure where that's going to go. Depending on how it turns out, I might use it as my post for Christmas. Stay tuned for that uplifting gem.
I would like, if I may, to take a step back to an old post of mine, "Pet Peeve." In it I stated that science had not shown that the annoying, high pitched pet voice had any real effect. Since I was posting in a blog, I didn't bother to actually check. Call it laziness or call it me not giving a rat's ass, but it has come to my attention that there is indeed scientific study that indicated that animals respond better to high pitched voices. This information was submitted to IIRWFS and they released a statement saying they would back the study but will maintain that the pet voice is annoying as hell.
See, we here at Generic Title like to hold ourselves at a higher standard, or at least say we do to give ourselves a nice pat on the back. So, we are prepared to issue a retraction. The original post will remain for posterity, but here, submitted for your perusal, is a revised edition of the offending post:
"I figured out one of my pet peeves today, or rather, I was inspired. I was engaging in one of my favorite activities: farting about on the internet while upstairs in my room. Then, floating on up from downstairs were the sounds of one the most annoying things that a person can do. I am referring to the "pet voice." This is when someone raises their voice to an annoyingly high pitch and begins making all manner of gibberish noises in order to form a kind of mental link between themselves and a pet to communicate the deep reservoir of feeling that that person has for that particular lower life form. To my knowledge, I don't think it does a whole lot of good. However, there are tests that indicate that it is irritating as all get-out. Said tests were conducted at the International Institute of Ryan Wanting to Flog Somone of IIRWFS (Pronounced: ear-wufs)."
There you have it. No mention to science, just good-ole personal opinion. This retraction has been brought to you by the booklight that I ordered in order to get free shipping on my Indiana Jones DVD collection. On behalf of everyone here at Generic Title, I thank you and wish you a very Happy Agnostica.
Tomorrow I have my social event with my Blue Chip group, and no I'm not being amusing by calling it a social event. That's actually what it's called. It's at Blue Willow. I could care less where it's at. I just want to spend some time with the group. I'm really going to miss them even if I won't miss the club.
I've been charged with writing a Christmas story for my writing club. I'm not sure where that's going to go. Depending on how it turns out, I might use it as my post for Christmas. Stay tuned for that uplifting gem.
I would like, if I may, to take a step back to an old post of mine, "Pet Peeve." In it I stated that science had not shown that the annoying, high pitched pet voice had any real effect. Since I was posting in a blog, I didn't bother to actually check. Call it laziness or call it me not giving a rat's ass, but it has come to my attention that there is indeed scientific study that indicated that animals respond better to high pitched voices. This information was submitted to IIRWFS and they released a statement saying they would back the study but will maintain that the pet voice is annoying as hell.
See, we here at Generic Title like to hold ourselves at a higher standard, or at least say we do to give ourselves a nice pat on the back. So, we are prepared to issue a retraction. The original post will remain for posterity, but here, submitted for your perusal, is a revised edition of the offending post:
"I figured out one of my pet peeves today, or rather, I was inspired. I was engaging in one of my favorite activities: farting about on the internet while upstairs in my room. Then, floating on up from downstairs were the sounds of one the most annoying things that a person can do. I am referring to the "pet voice." This is when someone raises their voice to an annoyingly high pitch and begins making all manner of gibberish noises in order to form a kind of mental link between themselves and a pet to communicate the deep reservoir of feeling that that person has for that particular lower life form. To my knowledge, I don't think it does a whole lot of good. However, there are tests that indicate that it is irritating as all get-out. Said tests were conducted at the International Institute of Ryan Wanting to Flog Somone of IIRWFS (Pronounced: ear-wufs)."
There you have it. No mention to science, just good-ole personal opinion. This retraction has been brought to you by the booklight that I ordered in order to get free shipping on my Indiana Jones DVD collection. On behalf of everyone here at Generic Title, I thank you and wish you a very Happy Agnostica.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I suppose that with the holidays approaching it was pretty inevitable that I do a post about my opinion of holidays. In short: I don't like them. That's not case specific. I don't like any holidays from Birthdays to Christmas. People tend to be annoying on their birthdays. You were born some number of years ago on this day, and.....? The world does not need to stop to celebrate you. You are not important. You barely matter. Take the "Happy Birthday"s directed at you and move on. And Christmas.... Christmas is quite possibly my least favorite. Say all you want about the "Christmas spirit," the truth is that the holiday is dead. The original purpose has been sucked out of it to make room for the crass commercialism that dominates our lives as Americans. Not Christian? Don't celebrate the Christian holiday. It has the word "Christ" in it, for crying out loud. That might be a hint. Non-Jewish people don't celebrate Hanukkah, so don't clog up Christmas. Now, it's not even that I want Christmas to take on its intended meaning again because I'm invested in it. I couldn't give a crap about Christmas. Just stop shoving it in my face. I don't need to be wished a Merry Christmas. And frankly I'm surprised there haven't been people who tried to make the holiday more secular, like removing "Christ" from the name. If it contains religion, it's offensive. Apparently. Wish me a Happy Agnostica if you're going to wish me anything. I'll say one more thing and end this incoherent and badly formulated post: Bah Humbug.
Monday, December 05, 2005
End of Semester
I have my first final tomorrow. It the oral portion of my Japanese final. Doing those interviews are always so stressful for me. Something about carrying on a conversation with a native Japanese speaker that make me very nervous and self-conscious. I'm fine with answering questions in Japanese and doing class activities, but this conversation is going to last for about 10 minutes. You know, it would be smart of me to be studying for the test rather than worrying about it. But I say to myself, "Self, that would make far too much sense. You don't want to do that." And I like listening to myself. We make a good team.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I actually got quite a few of thems when I went bowling last night with Bryan and Jesse, surprisingly enough. I also didn't wake up sore which is typical of the day after bowling shenanigans for me. It was fun, minus the irritating guys that were bowling next to us. I've come to accept that I'll be irritated by people everywhere I go because I simply don't like people.
Before the bowling, we went to a couple Bookman's. I was excited because I love that store. I got a couple books I'm excited about, but that's not what I wanted to share. While at Bookman's, a certain feeling came over me while we were in the Electronics section. I had the strong desire not to reproduce. That feeling comes over me more and more. It's not as if the world need any more people in it; the population has grown by about 6 billion in the last 50 years. What is that all about? More than that, I just don't think I could bring myself to having a kid grow up in the world we live in. I don't know how it is that I grew up the way I did, and I'm glad that I did. I don't know what's worse, having a kid that grows up to be part of what I hate about humans, or having a kid that grows up to have that same lonely outlook and philosophy of life that I do. A conundrum.
One last thing. I want to share what the worst part about social/romantic relationships is in my opinion. It's that feeling when you like someone and you think you be interested but don't know where the hell to go with it. Yep, that's the worst part. Okay, this post was too serious, so I'm going to go fight to save Hyrule or something.
Before the bowling, we went to a couple Bookman's. I was excited because I love that store. I got a couple books I'm excited about, but that's not what I wanted to share. While at Bookman's, a certain feeling came over me while we were in the Electronics section. I had the strong desire not to reproduce. That feeling comes over me more and more. It's not as if the world need any more people in it; the population has grown by about 6 billion in the last 50 years. What is that all about? More than that, I just don't think I could bring myself to having a kid grow up in the world we live in. I don't know how it is that I grew up the way I did, and I'm glad that I did. I don't know what's worse, having a kid that grows up to be part of what I hate about humans, or having a kid that grows up to have that same lonely outlook and philosophy of life that I do. A conundrum.
One last thing. I want to share what the worst part about social/romantic relationships is in my opinion. It's that feeling when you like someone and you think you be interested but don't know where the hell to go with it. Yep, that's the worst part. Okay, this post was too serious, so I'm going to go fight to save Hyrule or something.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I'm going for a simple post today. I'd like to recognize something wonderful that has happened to me. It was unexpected which made it all the greater when it came to my attention. This post is to pay tribute to this wonderful occurrence: My Surprise Three Day Weekend.
No holidays or anything, just some high-quality relaxation time courtesy of the East Asian Studies Department. There are only three days of classes until dead day, and those three days were given over the Oral Final in my Japanese class. I signed up for Tuesday, and since Japanese is my only class on Monday: 3 Day Weekend! That also means my first class on Wednesday is at 1400 rather than 1000 as is usual. I love finals time because everyone is stressing and my habits don't change at all. I'm still as relaxed as ever. I have yet to have a difficult final. English major, I love thee.
No holidays or anything, just some high-quality relaxation time courtesy of the East Asian Studies Department. There are only three days of classes until dead day, and those three days were given over the Oral Final in my Japanese class. I signed up for Tuesday, and since Japanese is my only class on Monday: 3 Day Weekend! That also means my first class on Wednesday is at 1400 rather than 1000 as is usual. I love finals time because everyone is stressing and my habits don't change at all. I'm still as relaxed as ever. I have yet to have a difficult final. English major, I love thee.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Oh Yes
I did something today that I hadn't done in a long time. It was poetic. It was inspiring. It was on the edge of all that a person can hold to be dear and true and right in this world:
I took a nap.
Okay, so now you think that I'm probably exaggerating. Not so! This nap was incredible. I've never had it so good. It was only a couple hours long, maybe 4 or 5, but it was just so damn good. Of course when I woke up, it was nearing 1800, and everyone had pretty much left. So now I'm alone in the house with Mel and Preston, which means I'm upstairs in my room. I would say I don't want to go downstairs because I might hear them having sex, but Preston was in a robe so they probably already did that. Silly kids with their silly sexual intercourse.
I think my plans will include a few cans of Pepsi from my mini-fridge (mini-fridge: Yay!), some chips (Cheddar and Sour Cream), and my mistress (the internet). We're going to spend a quiet night alone together, just me and my lady friend. No, I don't think she's a whore. Hey, our love is pure. You don't understand what we have together. You're just trying to drive us apart. Well, it is not going work. Come on, Internet, let's go pick up Pepsi.
I took a nap.
Okay, so now you think that I'm probably exaggerating. Not so! This nap was incredible. I've never had it so good. It was only a couple hours long, maybe 4 or 5, but it was just so damn good. Of course when I woke up, it was nearing 1800, and everyone had pretty much left. So now I'm alone in the house with Mel and Preston, which means I'm upstairs in my room. I would say I don't want to go downstairs because I might hear them having sex, but Preston was in a robe so they probably already did that. Silly kids with their silly sexual intercourse.
I think my plans will include a few cans of Pepsi from my mini-fridge (mini-fridge: Yay!), some chips (Cheddar and Sour Cream), and my mistress (the internet). We're going to spend a quiet night alone together, just me and my lady friend. No, I don't think she's a whore. Hey, our love is pure. You don't understand what we have together. You're just trying to drive us apart. Well, it is not going work. Come on, Internet, let's go pick up Pepsi.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Zen Walking
I discovered something today. I found the New World and claimed it for Spain. No, but really. I discovered that I can think about nothing. I'm not talking about relaxing and not thinking about anything serious. I mean not thinking a single thought to where it's just completely still in my mind. Sure, that's a piece of cake sitting in a quiet room while meditating. I did this while listening to my iPod walking across the Mall, one the highest traffic areas on campus. I was just coasting, not even on auto-pilot. I was putting myself in that state. How weird is that? I still noticed my surroundings, but at an unconscious level. I was being a zen-walky-person, or something. Okay, this was a lame post, but nothing really happened to me today worth mentioning. I also wanted to see how long I could go without missing an update. So, for the two people who read this: sorry. Bryan, Jesse, I'll go to your room later and give you hand-shakes or something. I'm out.
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